Tag Archive | Environement

Deep thoughts…

Well I’m endeavoring to participate in the Pagan Blog Project 2012 and valiantly working on my entry for this week. Truth be told though I should probably just throw in the towel and put up a “gone planting” sign on this here blog.

While I’m planting (cleaning coops, cages, brush piles, house, etc.) I tend to listen to a lot of podcasts. I was listening to one from Fresh Air this evening (‘When God Talks Back’ To The Evangelical Community) and it occurred to me that this, and a few of the others I’ve listened to may be of some interest to some of you. With reference to the program above, yes it is specifically discussing evangelical Christians but if you strip that away it has some interesting takeaways for us as well. (And ironically enough ties nicely into the post that I started working on prior to hearing the show.)

I also enjoy APM’s On Being (formerly Speaking of Faith) and particularly the episodes:

Pagans, Ancient and Modern
Living Vodou
Quarks + Creation
Einstein’s God
Science and Being
Evolution and Wonder, Understanding Charles Darwin
Fishing with Mystery

Merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again — Anon